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To encourage the well-being and the performance of collaborators, offices are being more and more hybrid, collaborative and open. Those spaces, that used to be austere, are nowadays full of opportunities for innovative furniture: connected workstations, coffee points or friendly benches are facilities that encourage interactions and exchanges. Combining perfectly aestheticism and durability, unique or generic furniture made by Duriez Agencement respect the highest flame-retardant and water-repellent standards.

Luxury shops

Either in Paris, London or Berlin, selling spaces are important for brands notoriety. When designers are working on sketching furniture which will highlight products, Duriez Agencement uses its knowledge in noble materials and its expertise in traditional craft to build high-quality project. Thus, visitors are welcomed to enter in a universe of excellence where wood, metal, leather and glass faithfully transcribe the spirit of the brand.

Public spaces

First contact with visitors, public spaces returns an image which conveys the values of the organization. In these open spaces, furniture can have multiple functions: reception desks, information boards, coffee points… Highly requested, they must be made with materials which have an exceptional durability and which meet the highest flame-retardant and water-repellent standards. Despite these constraints, aestheticism still finds its place and strives to transcend rules thanks to the know-how of Duriez Agencement.


As strategic places, a boardroom embodies an organization. The table, this unique piece which can welcome until 50 shareholders, is full of technologies allowing to the headquarter to communicate with its subsidiaries all over the world. By getting closer with audiovisual and multimedia integrators, Duriez Agencement deploys all his know-how to hide sockets, microphones or screens. Invisible, those sophisticated equipments suit perfectly with traditional materials to better seduce and surprise.


The apartment located in the heart of Paris, the lost castle in Sologne or the residence on the coast of Corsica are all pearls which are waiting to be magnified. In these intimate spaces, colors and materials are combining to create a unique universe in the image of its occupants. Those atmospheres are classical or design, rural or urban, sleek or sumptuous, Duriez Agencement carefully analyzes every detail and put everything in place to realize an exceptional performance corresponding perfectly to its client’s requirements.

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